
English Literature (GCSE)

GCSE English Literature

English Literature is a 2 year GCSE course taken by all students who take IGCSE English Language.

The aims are to develop learners who: 

  • enjoy the experience of reading literature 
  • understand and respond to literary texts in different forms and from different periods and cultures 
  • communicate an informed personal response appropriately and effectively 
  • appreciate different ways in which writers achieve their effects 
  • explore the contribution of literature to an understanding of areas of human concern. 

The syllabus also encourages the exploration of wider and universal issues, promoting learners’ better understanding of themselves and of the world around them.

The course shows Literature through the ages:

  • Shakespeare play
  • Assorted short stories
  • Modern drama script
  • Contemporary poetry

Here at XIC the success rate is high and students enjoy the course although it is challenging.   It runs perfectly alongside IGCSE Language and skills are interchangeable and complimentary across both subjects.

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