
School Aims

What are the school's aims?

Our aim continues to be the promotion of wholeness: to provide a rounded education for the whole person – of mind, body and spirit, encouraging ambition amidst humility and a sense of service for each child. 

How we will achieve this: There are two gifts we can give our students, the first is roots and the second is wings. 


To develop depth and breadth of character, which will encourage resilience, optimism, self-control and generosity.

To develop a sense of social responsibility and to be mindful of our role in serving our community, our role in society at large and in the global environment. This also includes our role towards each other, which will encourage consideration, mindfulness and respect.


To develop independence, taking responsibility for our own growth and development which will enable us to show initiative, take ownership and feel satisfaction in what is achieved.

To pursue excellence, aspiring to do everything as well as it can be done, which will develop a sense of justifiable pride and ambition.

To develop confidence and a sense of adventure which will foster courage, curiosity, enterprise and originality.

“Make me better today than I was yesterday!” – We certainly intend to.

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