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Family Vision and Values

Our Vision and Values

XIC is a unique place where inspired children flourish within a vibrant family; supported by dynamic teachers providing personal tuition in small classes using the latest technology.

Life is a mind game, it is how we play the game that is key to our success!

This key to our success is the caring environment within which our students and staff can work in unison to ensure both succeed in fulfilling the ambitions of our youngsters. We prepare children for the challenges they will face in a modern and fast-changing world.

We can embrace the variety of talents in our students through the dedication of highly experienced teachers using modern methods in small classes.

It is an exciting journey; one that offers opportunity and a refreshing perspective towards the daily trials faced by our young people.

The College is a happy and caring place in which all children are given a wide range of opportunities to develop their full potential whilst carefully nurturing their self-belief and confidence.

We give each student time and space, respect and encouragement. They need the warmth and security which allows them to develop their own special talents and personalities. Most importantly, we have developed ways in which we can listen to the needs and aspirations of the students and support their needs at every stage.

We help to give children confidence so that they can make important contributions to many areas of College life. XIC is a happy place where students can attain high academic standards whilst feeling valued and encouraged as individuals.
We encourage independence and initiative and help children to develop the attributes and values of being courteous, responsible, pro-active and engaging.

We are a family school and place enormous importance on this vital aspect in the lives of our students.  A close synergy with the home provides an excellent base supporting all we aim to invest in the lives of those within our community.

We are extremely proud of our students at all levels of the community and celebrate their achievements constantly.

In XIC friendships are made and lessons learned that will last a lifetime!

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