


Through practical and theoretical study, the Cambridge IGCSE Drama syllabus encourages students to understand and enjoy drama by:

  • developing their performance skills, both individually and in groups
  • understanding the role of actor, director and designer in creating a piece of theatre
  • considering ways in which ideas and feelings can be communicated to an audience
  • discovering the performance possibilities of plays and other dramatic stimuli
  • devising dramatic material of their own.
  • encourage enjoyment of drama.

Candidates work with: 

  • extended extracts from published plays 
  • stimuli (short titles, poems, pictures, songs, historical events, stories) for devising dramatic pieces 
  • their own choice of dramatic repertoire
  • dramatic material of their own devising

Learners develop their individual and group performance skills, the demonstration of which forms part of the final assessment.

Assessment overview

All candidates take two components. 

Paper 1: 2 hours 30 minutes Written Examination 40% 80 marks.

 Component 2:  Coursework 60% 120 marks

  • one individual performance based on an extract from a play
  • one group performance based on an extract from a play
  • one group performance based on an original devised piece

 Internally assessed and externally moderated

If you are a budding actor, a frustrated scriptwriter, work well in a team and long to tread the boards this is the GCSE for you.

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